Tuesday, June 29, 2010

market totes

After our disappointment with our first attempt to sell our creations, I felt discouraged and took a little break from crafting. Besides, as excited as I am about becoming pregnant, it left me pretty drained and unmotivated. But after going to a craft show this weekend and seeing what other people were making and realizing that would be a way better forum to try again, I got back in the creating mood. I want to really work on making more stuff so we can get into this show next year.

Awhile ago I made this simple tote bag to carry all my produce in when I go to market. It's perfect for storing in my purse, but holds a ton of stuff . I thought other people would love them too, so I bought a bunch of fabric so I could really whip up a bunch of them. I pre-washed it, and was very disappointed to find some of it shrunk! Major fail!

Never wanting to waste anything, I held on to the fabric, knowing someday I would find the perfect use for it. Since I found out I'm going to be a mom, I've been itching to start making stuff for my baby. So I bought a book on baby patterns and decided this shrunken fabric would make an adorable changing pad. I also had some extra yellow fabric laying around that coordinated, so I whipped it up and I'm very happy with the results. Yay, my first hand-made item for baby!

Hopefully this creating-streak will stick with me, and I'll have lots more to post soon.

This is Angie for Keyluxe.

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